
Harley Street Branch0207 224 0999

Richmond Branch0208 912 1340

Out of Hours0207 199 3464

  • Let’s drink to that!

    Good news for red wine lovers: new research suggests that a specific compound called polyphenols, may help fend of harmful bacteria in the mouth. Researchers compared the effects of two polyphenols from red wine against grape seed and red wine extract supplements on bacteria that stick to teeth and gums and cause dental plaque, cavities

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  • Age-related concerns over dental care

    By talking to over-65s, the Oral Health Foundation, has revealed some of the most common reasons elderly people stop visiting their dentists. In general, from first hand accounts, it seems that the most widespread barriers for over-65s were anxiety, poor general health, cost and the physical demands of actually travelling to visit the dentist. Indeed,

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