
Harley Street Branch0207 224 0999

Richmond Branch0208 912 1340

Out of Hours0207 199 3464


  • As the coronavirus outbreak continues, we want to reassure you that the safety and well-being of our patients is our top priority during this time. We are taking every available step to minimise the risk of COVID-19 in our practices, and have implemented all of the guidelines and regulations proposed by the government to help prevent transmission of the virus.

Our Coronavirus Policy

Although we are continuing to provide high-quality care, we ask anyone who is feeling unwell or exhibiting any symptoms of coronavirus to refrain from visiting the practice during this time. Possible symptoms include: A dry coughA fever or Shortness of breath. This also applies to our staff and suppliers, helping to maintain a hygienic, safe space for all. To date we are not aware of any patients or staff members who have contracted the virus, but this is something we will continue to monitor closely throughout the duration of this pandemic. Below are a number of measures we’ve adopted to help ensure your absolute safety when visiting EndoCare practices:

1). Hand sanitiser is easily accessible for all those entering the practice, including staff and patients alike. We encourage using this as soon as you step through the door to help limit the spread of germs from any external influences.
2). Team members are undergoing temperature screenings every day.
3). All public areas of our practices are being regularly decontaminated using high-quality cleaning products.
4). Team members are receiving on-going training to ensure they can provide you with any information you need.

For appointments
We request that patients inform us as early as possible if they will not be attending an appointment. We ask patients in high risk categories (such as those aged over 65 or those with underlying health conditions) to call the practice before coming in for appointments. We are offering free change of appointment and the normal late cancellation policy is waived if you start to feel unwell or need to avoid others<

Official government advice
The government has formulated guidelines to help prevent the spread of the infection further:

1). If you have developed a cough, high temperature or any other symptoms, you need to stay at home for at least 7 days following the start of these symptoms. If your symptoms get worse during this time, call NHS 111 or you can access NHS 111 online if you have an internet connection.
2). Wash your hands often for 20 seconds (around the time it takes to hum the Happy Birthday song twice) using soap and hot water, particularly after coughing, sneezing and/or blowing your nose, or after being in contact with public transport/ spaces.
3). If you are coughing or sneezing, make sure you do so into a tissue and then dispose of this as soon as possible. If you have no tissues available, you can cough into your sleeve, but this item of clothing should be washed ASAP. You should also regularly wash your hands and use hand sanitiser.
4). If you have others sharing your living space or visitors, be sure to disinfect all surfaces properly during this time using your regular products.
5). Keep your distance from those you know fall into vulnerable, high-risk groups such as the elderly or those with compromised immune systems.
6). According to data gathered during the pandemic, it seems that elderly individuals and those with underlying conditions are generally the most at danger of experiencing severe consequences if they contract COVID-19. For a large proportion of people, coronavirus (COVID-19) will only result in mild symptoms.

For any other enquiries, please contact the team at EndoCare.
For further information please call EndoCare on 020 7224 0999

Endocare Root Canal Specialist London - Embarrassing Bodies

Click on the link above to see what happened when we were invited by Channel 4’s Embarrassing Bodies to treat a patient who was suffering from an extreme case of  teeth grinding.

ENdocare Welcome Video

Click on the link above to watch an overview of what we do and to learn more about EndoCare.

Endocare Blog

Click on the link above to read our blog. We regularly release new articles and posts to allow you to stay up-to-date with all of our latest news.

Weekend Opening

Endocare Root Canal London and Richmond surgeries are now open on Weekends. If you need to see a Root Canal Dentist on Saturday or Sunday then we are now open. For details of our new weekend opening hours please contact us now.

Why EndoCare

Patient Testimonials

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I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank you and Mr. Sultan for the excellent patient care I received last week. My reluctance to proceed with the surgical treatment was apparent, but with your advice and reassurance, I am sure that I made the right decision. The procedure, though ...

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Just to say thanks for the coffees & friendly, supportive chats. You certainly helped to take the edge off a stressful time for us.

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Rod & Sue Witheridge
This is just to thank you for the root-canal treatment which you carried out on my tooth last Tuesday afternoon. All has now settled down and I can chew on the tooth as normal. I think that we both had a tough ninety minutes last Tuesday but for me it ...

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David Thomson
Thank you so much for looking after our nanny Noelia! Thank you also for offering her such a generous discount for your excellent treatment. She asked me to pass on her thanks also. With best wishes.

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Quentin McCoach
Just a quick but BIG thank you all for making what was a frightening and miserable procedure into an experience I could hanle. If there had been more people like you all, I would have a much healthier mouth. It was a pleasure meeting you and your kindness is much ...

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Georgia F
Thank you very much for the wonderful work you did for me. I can smile again!

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Zita Drew
Thank you for treating my dental pain, it was a great relief! Thank you also for the care I received while visiting your practice.

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Fraser Gray
Thankyou so much for once again saving a difficult tooth!!  Another thankyou is due to you for your gift to my daughter of the recipe book written by your aunt. Noelle returned to Dubai with the book firmly tucked under her arm. She returns in July for the summer and ...

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Sheila Ferris

Our Root Canal Treatment Clinic Locations

Endocare Root Canal Specialist Harley Street

Harley Street Root Canal Clinic
99 Harley Street

Contact this Clinic:
Call us: 0207 224 0999
Email us: CLICK HERE

Endocare Root Canal Specialist Richmond

Richmond Root Canal Clinic
4-6 George Street
Surrey TW9 1JY

Contact this Clinic:
Call us: 0208 912 1340
Email us: CLICK HERE

Endocare Richmond - Root canal treatment

Endocare Root Canal Centre - Root Canal Specialist London - Why Choose Us

  • Root Canal Treatment

    You may require root canal treatment if you have pain or swelling associalted with your teeth.

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  • Root Canal Re-Treatment

    We can help if you are having problems with teeth previously root canal treated by other dentists.

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  • Endodontic Microsurgery

    Using the latest surgical techniques we help save teeth even if root canal treatment is not possible.

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