2016-03 | March '16 | The Dentist | What's Next |
2016-03 | March '16 | The Probe | Working Together |
2016-03 | March '16 | Dentistry | Confident to Offer Endodontics |
2016-03 | March '16 | Private Dentistry | Confident to Offer Endodontics |
2016-03 | March '16 | Dental Supply | Refer Your Cases to Us |
2016-03 | March '16 | GDPUK | Something to Smile About |
2016-03 | March '16 | Dental Web | Working Together |
2016-02 | February '16 | Dental Supply | Endocare Working Together |
2016-02 | February '16 | The Probe | More Than Just a Referral Clinic |
2016-02 | February '16 | The Dentist | For Better or Worse |
2016-02 | February '16 | The Dentist | More Than Referrals |
2016-02 | February '16 | Private Dentistry | Extension of Your Team |
2016-02 | February '16 | Dentistry | More than just a Referral Clinic |
2016-02 | February '16 | Dental Web | More than just a Referral Clinic |
2016-02 | February '16 | Dental Review | High Quality Treatment |
2016-02 | February '16 | Dental Review | Multiple Clinics |
2016-01 | January '16 | Dental Review | More Than a Referral Clinic |
2016-01 | January '16 | Dental Web | Together Save More Teeth |
2016-01 | January '16 | DentalRepublic.co.uk | Work Together |
2016-01 | January '16 | The Probe | Care & Compassion |
2016-01 | January '16 | The Dentist | A Caring Profession |
2016-01 | January '16 | Dentistry | Addressing the Problem of FGM/a> |
2016-01 | January '16 | Dentistry | Endodontics for Your Patients |
2016-01 | January '16 | Private Dentistry | From Beginning to End |
2016-01 | January '16 | GDPUK | Providing Better After Care |
2016-01 | January '16 | SmileOn News | Providing Greater Aftercare |
2015-12 | December '15 | The Probe | Save More Teeth |
2015-12 | December '15 | Private Dentistry | Natural Teeth for Longer |
2015-12 | December '15 | Dental Supplies | Care and Compassion |
2015-12 | December '15 | Dental Review | Care and Compassion |
2015-12 | December '15 | Dental Republic | Consistent Changes |
2015-11 | November '15 | Dentist | Homogeneous service |
2015-11 | November '15 | Dental Web | More than just a Referral Clinic |
2015-11 | November '15 | Dental Review | Endocare and you |
2015-11 | November '15 | Dentistry | Referring for Endodontics |
2015-11 | November '15 | Dentistry | Natural Teeth for Longer |
2015-11 | November '15 | DSM | Together Save More Teeth |
2015-11 | November '15 | GDPUK | Dental Profession Discussion |
2015-11 | November '15 | Private Dentistry | Endodontics With Care |
2015-10 | October '15 | Dentist | An Ongoing Battle |
2015-10 | October '15 | Dentist | Patient Focus |
2015-10 | October '15 | The Probe | Something for your Patients |
2015-10 | October '15 | Dental Web | Something for you and Your Patients |
2015-10 | October '15 | Dental Supplies | More Than Just a Referral Clinic |
2015-10 | October '15 | Dental Republic | Providing Better Aftercare |
2015-9 | September '15 | Private Dentistry | Save Teeth |
2015-9 | September '15 | The Probe | Peace of Mind |
2015-9 | September '15 | The Probe | Best Endodontic Care |
2015-9 | September '15 | SmileOn News | Don't Let The Past Change the |
2015-9 | September '15 | DSM | Something to Smile About |
2015-9 | September '15 | Dentistry | Save Teeth |
2015-9 | September '15 | Dental Web | Best Endodontic Care |
2015-08 | August '15 | The Dentist | Saving Teeth |
2015-08 | August '15 | DentalWeb | Saving teeth and changing lives |
2015-08 | August '15 | Dental Supplies Online | The best endodontic care |
2015-08 | August '15 | Dentistry | referring Patients to Save Teeth |
2015-08 | August '15 | The Probe | Saving Teeth & Changing Lives |
2015-08 | August '15 | The Dentist | Healthy Living |
2015-7 | July '15 | The Probe | Natural Teeth |
2015-7 | July '15 | Private Dentistry | Natural teeth |
2015-7 | July '15 | GDPUK | Healthy Balance |
2015-7 | July '15 | Dentist | Natural for Life |
2015-7 | July '15 | Dentist | Hearts and Minds |
2015-7 | July '15 | Dental Web | Natural Teeth for Life |
2015-7 | July '15 | Dental Republic | Striking a Healthy Balance |
2015-6 | June '15 | The Probe | Pain Management |
2015-6 | June '15 | The Probe | We Need Your Help |
2015-6 | June '15 | GDPUK | Changing Attitudes |
2015-6 | June '15 | GDPUK | Good News |
2015-6 | June '15 | Dentistry | Natural Teeth for Life |
2015-6 | June '15 | Dentist | Endocare |
2015-6 | June '15 | DentalWeb | Natural Teeth |
2015-6 | June '15 | DSM | Natural Teeth for Life |
2015-5 | May '15 | The Probe | Something to Smile About |
2015-5 | May '15 | iDentNews | Pain Management |
2015-5 | May '15 | GDPUK | Some Good News |
2015-4 | April '15 | Dentist | Where's the proof? |
2015-4 | April '15 | Dental Supplies Magazine | Give them something to smile about! |
2015-3 | March '15 | GDPUK.com | Are we happy? |
2015-3 | March '15 | Smile-OnNews.com | The "facts" are fallible |
2015-3 | March '15 | Dentistry | Dental Tourism |
2015-3 | March '15 | Dental Supplies Magazine | We need your help! |
2015-2 | February '15 | The Probe | Peace of mind and pain-free |
2015-2 | February '15 | DentalRepublic.co.uk | Are we happy? |
2015-2 | February '15 | Dental Supplies | Treated like family |
2015-1 | January '15 | The Probe | Actions speak louder than words |
2015-1 | January '15 | The Dentist | Intergrated care |
2015-1 | January '15 | Dental Supplies | it's not what we say; it's what we do |
2014-12 | December '14 | Dental Practice | The Best Possible Hands |
2014-12 | December '14 | Dental Web | The Best Possible Hands |
2014-12 | December '14 | Dentistry | The Caring Kind |
2014-12 | December '14 | Smile On-News | Dental tourism |
2014-12 | December '14 | The Dentist | Trusted Specialists |
2014-12 | December '14 | The Dentist | Euphemisms or excuses |
2014-12 | December '14 | The Probe | The Best Possible Hands |
2014-11 | November '14 | Dental Practice | Support when you need it most |
2014-11 | November '14 | Dental Web | Support when you need it most |
2014-11 | November '14 | Dental News | Nurture Your Brand |
2014-11 | November '14 | GDPUK | Nurture Your Brand |
2014-11 | November '14 | The Dentist | Endodontic Support |
2014-11 | November '14 | The Dentist | What is a Brand |
2014-11 | November '14 | The Probe | Support When You Need it Most |
2014-10 | September '14 | Dental Web | Endocare Part of the Family |
2014-10 | September '14 | Dentistry | Part of the Family |
2014-10 | September '14 | Private Dentistry | Specialist Dental Care |
2014-10 | September '14 | Smile On-News | Nurture Your Brand |
2014-10 | September '14 | The Dentist | trusted Specialist |
2014-10 | September '14 | The Dentist | Fear or Crisis |
2014-10 | September '14 | The Probe | Part of the Family |
2014-08 | August '14 | Dental Tribune | Difficult Diagnosis |
2014-08 | August '14 | Dental Web | Difficult Diagnosis |
2014-08 | August '14 | Dentistry | Difficult Diagnosis |
2014-08 | August '14 | Endodontic Practice | Endocare Team |
2014-08 | August '14 | GDPUK | Risks, benefits and Costs |
2014-08 | August '14 | Private Dentistry | Endocare Awards |
2014-08 | August '14 | Smile On-News | Professional, Inspiring and Current |
2014-08 | August '14 | The Dentist | Diagnose & Treat |
2014-08 | August '14 | The Probe | Difficult Diagnosis |
2014-07 | July '14 | Dental Nursing | Our Team |
2014-07 | July '14 | Dental Practice | Patient Care is our Concern |
2014-07 | July '14 | Dental Web | Endocare About Us |
2014-07 | July '14 | Dentistry | Endocare Team |
2014-07 | July '14 | The Dentist | Time to be Evangelical |
2014-06 | June '14 | Dental Nursing | Endocare |
2014-06 | June '14 | Dental Practice | Difficult Diagnosis |
2014-06 | June '14 | Dental Web | Difficult Diagnostics |
2014-06 | June '14 | The Dentist | Prefer to Refer |
2014-06 | June '14 | The Dentist | A Marathon not a Sprint |
2014-06 | June '14 | The Probe | Comprehensive Root Canal Treatment |
2014-06 | June '14 | The Probe | Take Control during Endodontic Treatment |
2014-05 | May '14 | Dental Nursing | The Endodontic Nurse & Patient Care |
2014-05 | May '14 | Dental Practice | Ten Thousand Teeth in Ten Years |
2014-05 | May '14 | Dental Tribune | Difficult Diagnosis |
2014-05 | May '14 | Dental Web | Ten years, 10,000 Teeth |
2014-05 | May '14 | Dentistry | Difficult Diagnosis |
2014-05 | May '14 | GDPUK | Dentistry it ain't what it used to be |
2014-05 | May '14 | Smile On-News | Keep Running |
2014-05 | May '14 | The Dentist | A Gentle Nudge |
2014-05 | May '14 | The Dentist | Endodontic Referral |
2014-05 | May '14 | The Probe | Exceeding Expectations |
2014-04 | April '14 | Dental Tribune | Exceeding Expectations |
2014-04 | April '14 | Dental Web | Ten Years |
2014-04 | April '14 | Dentistry | Ten Years |
2014-04 | April '14 | The Dentist | Difficult Diagnosis |
2014-04 | April '14 | The Dentist | Ten Years |
2014-03 | March '14 | Dental Practice | Every Tooth Counts |
2014-03 | March '14 | Dental Practice | Every Tooth Counts |
2014-03 | March '14 | Dental Tribune | Ten Years 10,000 Teeth |
2014-03 | March '14 | Dental Web | Every Tooth Counts |
2014-03 | March '14 | Dentistry | 10,000 Teeth |
2014-03 | March '14 | GDPUK | No Free Lunch |
2014-03 | March '14 | The Dentist | Ring The Alarm |
2014-03 | March '14 | The Probe | Fighting Dental Pain |
2014-02 | February '14 | Dental Practice | Support When You Need it Most |
2014-02 | February '14 | Dental Tribune | Every Tooth Counts |
2014-02 | February '14 | Dental Tribune | Saving Teeth |
2014-02 | February '14 | Dental Web | Saving Teeth |
2014-02 | February '14 | Dentistry | About Endocare |
2014-02 | February '14 | GDPUK | Too Frightened to do Treatment |
2014-02 | February '14 | The Dentist | Saving Teeth |
2014-02 | February '14 | The Dentist | Living in Fear |
2014-02 | February '14 | The Probe | Endodontic Referral Treatment |
2014-01 | January '14 | Dentistry | Endodontics at EndoCare |
2014-01 | January '14 | Dental Web | EndoCare an invaluable member of your dental team |
2014-01 | January '14 | Dental Tribune | EndoCare - An invaluable member of your dental team |
2014-01 | January '14 | Smile-On | Are we living in too much fear? |
2014-01 | January '14 | The Probe | Pain free Endodontic treatment |
2014-01 | January '14 | GDPUK | How much is a good dentist worth? |
2013-12 | December '13 | The Dentist | Endo Referrals |
2013-11 | November '13 | The Probe | Appreciating Value |
2013-08 | August '13 | Dentistry | Complete Dedication |
2013-03 | March 11-17 | Dental Tribune | EndoCare - The best service, guaranteed. |
2012-03 | March | The Probe | Michael Sultan comes clean on washer-disinfectors…
2012-03 | March 5-11 | Dental Tribune | Dealing with injecion anxiety
2012-02 | February | The Probe | Perspectives in practice… |
2012-02 | February 6-2 | Dental Tribune | All change? Or back to basics? |
2012-02 | February 15-19 | Dental Tribune | Managing expectations |
2012-02 | February 27 - March 4 | Dental Tribune | The right to be pain free |
2012-01 | January | The Probe | Why we should always mind the gaps… |
2011-12 | December | The Probe Online | CQC - An interesting but worthwhile challenge |
2011-12 | December | The Probe Online | The Endodontosaurus is not extinct |
2011-12 | December | The Probe | Michael Sultan discusses new tools available for endodontics… |
2011-12 | December | The Probe Online | Managing acute pain |
2011-12 | December | The Probe Online | Are antibiotics required for endodontics? |
2011-12 | December | The Probe Online | What makes a good rep? |
2011-12 | December | The Probe Online | Why should the profession stand proud? |
2011-12 | December | DentalTubules.com | The Right to be Pain Free |
2011-11 | November | The Probe | Why veneer preparation is paramount |
2011-11 | November | The Probe | Michael Sultan discusses the evolving world of dentistry and looks at the "next phase" |
2011-11 | November | Endo Practice | I couldn't practice endo without… |
2011-10 | October 10-17 | Dental Tribune | When veneers take the edge off a smile |
2011-08 | August | The Probe | Perspectives in practice… |
2011-07 | July | The Probe | Antibiotics: "Take these just in case" |
2011-07 | July 11-17 | Dental Tribune | Chlorhexidine as an endodontic irrigant |
2011-07 | July 18-24 | Dental Tribune | Do periapical radiographs tell the whole tale: a case report
2011-07 | July 18-24 | Dental Tribune | The fallout from Channel 4's Dispatches |
2011-06 | June 15-19 | Dental Tribune | The ultimate goal - clean canals |
2011-05 | May | Endodontic Practice | Technology in endodontics - innovation and ouch
2011-05 | May 16-22 | Dental Tribune | The Endodontosaurus - A dying breed? |
2011-04 | April | PPD | Tooth Avulsion - A Parent's Nightmare |
2011-04 | April 25 - May 1 | Dental Tribune | Phantom thresholds |
2011-02 | February | Dentistry Scotland | Treating a peri-radicular abscess |
2011-02 | February | The Probe | Perspectives in practice… |
2011-02 | February 28 - Match 6 | Dental Tribune | Are we deluding ourselves? |
2011-01 | January | PPD | I couldn't do without… |
2011-01 | January 17-23 | Dental Tribune | Root resorption, inside or out? |
2011-01 | January 24-30 | Dental Tribune | Age and Endodontics |
2010-12 | December | The Probe | An adjunctive technique to endo irrigation
2010-12 | December 13-20 | Dental Tribune | One great cocktail of fear |
2010-11 | November 8-14 | Dental Tribune | Managing expectations |
2010-10 | October | Dentistry | The art of communication |
2010-09 | September | The Dentist | First impressions |
2010-09 | September 27 - October 3 | Dental Tribune | The pain factor |
2010-07 | July 19-25 | Dental Tribune | The fight against bacteria |
2010-07 | July / August | Private Dentistry | Building a referral practice |
2010-07 | July / August | Private Dentistry | Endodontics and implants |
2010-06 | June 28 - July 4 | Dental Tribune | Know your patients |
2010-05 | May | Endodontic Practice | Through the keyhole |
2010-05 | May 5-9 | Dental Tribune | Endov implants |
2010-04 | April | The Probe | A complicated endodontic case |
2010-04 | April 6-11 | Dental Tribune | Root canal re-treatment: to treat or not to treat? |
2010-03 | March 29 - April 4 | Dental Tribune | Numbing the pain |
2010-02 | February 22-28 | Dental Tribune | An amicable split? |
2010-02 | February 22-28 | Dental Tribune | Treating a peri-radicular abscess |