
Harley Street Branch0207 224 0999

Richmond Branch0208 912 1340

Out of Hours0207 199 3464

Endodontic Treatment

Here at EndoCare we are experts at diagnosing and treating dental pain and infection. Whether you have been referred to us by your dentist, or you have found us online, we will always treat you with the greatest of care, and will be on hand to guide and support you through every step of the way.

Preparation of the Root Canals


Preparation of Root Canals

Endodontic or ‘root canal’ treatment can often be performed in one or two visits. First the area is carefully numbed so you don’t feel any pain at all. A small protective sheet called a ‘dental dam’ is placed over the teeth to keep the area clean and dry. We will then create a small opening in the crown of your tooth to allow us to clean out the infected pulp from inside your tooth.

Filling of the Root Canals

After the space is cleaned and shaped, the root canals are filled with a rubber-like material called ‘gutta-percha’ to ensure the root canals are completely sealed. In most cases, a temporary filling will then be used to close the opening in your tooth. Once your tooth has been closed up you willl then be asked to make a follow-up appointment with us to check everything is as it should be.

Once you are completely satisfied with your treatment with us, you must then return to your normal dentist to have the temporary filling replaced and the tooth restored to further protect and seal it from harmful bacteria. If the tooth lacks sufficient structure to hold the restoration in place, your dentist may place a post inside the tooth before the tooth is built up with a solid core.

Endocare Root Canal Specialist London - Embarrassing Bodies

Click on the link above to see what happened when we were invited by Channel 4’s Embarrassing Bodies to treat a patient who was suffering from an extreme case of  teeth grinding.

ENdocare Welcome Video

Click on the link above to watch an overview of what we do and to learn more about EndoCare.

Endocare Blog

Click on the link above to read our blog. We regularly release new articles and posts to allow you to stay up-to-date with all of our latest news.

Weekend Opening

Endocare Root Canal London and Richmond surgeries are now open on Weekends. If you need to see a Root Canal Dentist on Saturday or Sunday then we are now open. For details of our new weekend opening hours please contact us now.

Endodontic Re-treatment

Occasionally a tooth may not heal as expected after initial treatment. This can happen for a variety of reasons, the most common of which are listed in this section. A re-treated tooth can function well for years, or even a full lifetime. However, once a tooth has been previously treated, the success rates of further re-treatments drop to about 80%.


    REASON-1: Difficulty in cleaning very fine, narrow canals, leaving unclean portions of the root. 

    REASON-2: Complicated canal anatomy, perhaps with extra, undetected canals.

    REASON-3: Further bacterial leakage around the filling/crown or a fracture allowing contamination.


Harley Street Root Canal Clinic

99 Harley Street

Contact this Clinic:
Call us: 0207 224 0999
Email us: CLICK HERE


Richmond Root Canal Clinic

4-6 George Street
Surrey TW9 1JY

Contact this Clinic:
Call us: 0208 912 1340
Email us: CLICK HERE

Endocare Richmond - Root canal treatment

EndoCare - Root Canal Specialist Harley Street & Richmond - Root Canal Treatment for London - Endodontic Treatment

  • Root Canal Treatment

    You may require root canal treatment if you have pain or swelling associalted with your teeth.

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  • Root Canal Re-Treatment

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  • Endodontic Microsurgery

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