
Harley Street Branch0207 224 0999

Richmond Branch0208 912 1340

Out of Hours0207 199 3464

    • MARCH 5, 2010

    Body effects

    I am preparing for one of those weeks – work is very busy and I am planning my longest run so far of 18-miles next Sunday.

    The weather forecast has become one of my most visited web pages. I am determined not to be forced in the gym again and am praying that the rain holds off! It can’t be too much to ask, after all, I am testing my willpower and resisting alcohol and heavy food the night before the run (no Saturday night meal out for me), so surely the least it can do is hold off the clouds for a few hours?

    On a positive note however, I have managed to lose 1kg in weight since training started. My clothes may fit a little looser now, but there has to be an easier way???

Endocare Root Canal Specialist London - Embarrassing Bodies

Click on the link above to see what happened when we were invited by Channel 4’s Embarrassing Bodies to treat a patient who was suffering from an extreme case of  teeth grinding.

ENdocare Welcome Video

Click on the link above to watch an overview of what we do and to learn more about EndoCare.

Weekend Opening

We are now open on Weekends. If you need to see a Root Canal Dentist on Saturday or Sunday then we are now open. For details of our new weekend opening hours please contact us now.


Harley Street Root Canal Clinic
99 Harley Street

Contact this Clinic:
Call us: 0207 224 0999
Email us: CLICK HERE


Richmond Root Canal Clinic
4-6 George Street
Surrey TW9 1JY

Contact this Clinic:
Call us: 0208 912 1340
Email us: CLICK HERE

Gallery link to image gallery of Endocare in Richmond

EndoCare - Root Canal Specialist London - Post

  • Root Canal Treatment

    You may require root canal treatment if you have pain or swelling associalted with your teeth.

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  • Root Canal Re-Treatment

    We can help if you are having problems with teeth previously root canal treated by other dentists.

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  • Endodontic Microsurgery

    Using the latest surgical techniques we help save teeth even if root canal treatment is not possible.

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    • MARCH 5, 2010

    Body effects

    I am preparing for one of those weeks – work is very busy and I am planning my longest run so far of 18-miles next Sunday.

    The weather forecast has become one of my most visited web pages. I am determined not to be forced in the gym again and am praying that the rain holds off! It can’t be too much to ask, after all, I am testing my willpower and resisting alcohol and heavy food the night before the run (no Saturday night meal out for me), so surely the least it can do is hold off the clouds for a few hours?

    On a positive note however, I have managed to lose 1kg in weight since training started. My clothes may fit a little looser now, but there has to be an easier way???