Michael 1 – Personal Trainer 0
This Sunday brought with it a surprising turn of events which I thought could simply not go without a mention.
In stark contrast to last week’s disappointing training session, this time I embarked on my weekly run with gusto, and felt fitter and faster than ever before. By the time Christos and I reached the 20km mark, unbelievably I was still feeling full of energy and was ready to cover the final 10km. Christos, on the other hand, was not. With a shake of his head, my personal trainer admitted defeat and for the first time ever we were forced to abandon the run and catch the tube back home. And I, the asthmatic marathon amateur, was not to blame!
Ok, admittedly Christos had run the distance alongside me suffering quietly with a hip injury. But, seeing as I had just out-run my personal trainer (who has successfully completed no less than 16 marathons), I allowed myself the pleasure of a guilty smile and vowed to finish the full 30km the following weekend.