The millionaire Tooth Fairy
According to a nationwide survey, children in the UK receive almost £24 million every year form the Tooth Fairy. That’s an average of about £1.58 per tooth.
Naturally, children’s baby teeth will fall out – and with 20 milk teeth each, that’s a nice £31 bonus to be had – but it’s important to remember that even though they aren’t permanent, looking after your children’s milk teeth is very important.
If these teeth are allowed to become rotten or infected, they may require extraction, which can be a traumatic experience and a potential risk to the proper development of a child’s adult teeth. This could lead to dental complications in later life – and ay even make them afraid of visiting the dentist!
As such, it’s incredibly important to ensure our children’s teeth are brushed twice a day and that we take our children to the dentist on a regular basis to keep baby teeth healthy.
Perhaps the tooth fairy should only offer up some money for teeth that have fallen out naturally, or teeth that are nice and white and shiny!