When should you brush your teeth?
We all know that it is important to brush our teeth at least twice a day – ideally before we go to bed at night and at one other time during the day. Normally, this will be in the morning: but should you do it before or after breakfast? There are arguments for both, obviously. Brushing after the most important meal of the day is common because it means our breath will smell fresh after eating and any food debris is cleared out – but we should be aware that by brushing after drinking fruit juice can actually wear down our teeth even more, so if you do choose to brush your teeth after breakfast, it might be a good idea to wash your mouth out with water first or to wait a while before picking up the toothbrush.
Alternatively, some people like to brush their teeth before breakfast, which eliminates the issue of brushing after consuming acidic or sugary drinks and foods, but if we have a smelly breakfast, we might end up with bad breath until we brush our teeth again at night time.
Ultimately, however, according to the British Dental Association, it doesn’t really matter when you choose to brush your teeth in the morning, as long as you do so. Just make sure you get the technique right, reaching all the hard to see areas and your gums too. That way, you’ll be able to boast a smile that looks great from morning to night!