• MAY 28, 2020

    You can visit the dentist again, why you shouldn’t worry

    If you are worried about going to the dental practice, be reassured that the professional team will be doing everything it can to keep you safe.

    Dental practitioners have always taken infection control very seriously, with processes in place to ensure that you were protected during every appointment. In every great practice, infection control protocols have always been so efficient, so seamlessly integrated into operations, that you probably won’t have noticed them, although they were always there.

    This is why most patients probably never questioned their safety at the dentist before now. Of course, these are strange times and, after months of lockdown, we’re all looking at anywhere indoors – that isn’t where we live – as somewhere that could make us ill. Six months ago, you would probably have laughed out loud if someone told you that a trip to the supermarket after April could involve a face mask, surgical gloves, a some-in, some-out queuing system, or all of the above.

    Routine dentistry was suspended for a period of time, to reduce the transmission risk of Coronavirus, for the safety of patients. Now practices are reopening, patient safety, as well as their ongoing oral health, remains a priority. Due to the highly infectious nature of Coronavirus, practices will be augmenting and enhancing all their existing control infection processes. Things that you can expect to change include how the waiting area looks – so no more old magazines, or children’s toys. Practices will also likely have to reduce the number of patients they see every day, to allow more time for cleaning between appointments. In addition, you might see different types of, or additional PPE worn by the team if you are undergoing certain treatments.

    Oral health and wellbeing have never been more important. This is why dental teams want to start providing the oral health care you need again. Delaying treatment could mean more pain, more invasive treatment in the future. Your dental appointment will “look” different, but it will also be safer than it ever was.


    For further information please call EndoCare on 020 7199 3464

Endocare Root Canal Specialist London - Embarrassing Bodies

Click on the link above to see what happened when we were invited by Channel 4’s Embarrassing Bodies to treat a patient who was suffering from an extreme case of  teeth grinding.

ENdocare Welcome Video

Click on the link above to watch an overview of what we do and to learn more about EndoCare.

Weekend Opening

We are now open on Weekends. If you need to see a Root Canal Dentist on Saturday or Sunday then we are now open. For details of our new weekend opening hours please contact us now.


Harley Street Root Canal Clinic
99 Harley Street

Contact this Clinic:
Call us: 0207 224 0999
Email us: CLICK HERE


Richmond Root Canal Clinic
4-6 George Street
Surrey TW9 1JY

Contact this Clinic:
Call us: 0208 912 1340
Email us: CLICK HERE

Gallery link to image gallery of Endocare in Richmond

EndoCare - Root Canal Specialist London - Post

  • Root Canal Treatment

    You may require root canal treatment if you have pain or swelling associalted with your teeth.

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  • Root Canal Re-Treatment

    We can help if you are having problems with teeth previously root canal treated by other dentists.

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  • Endodontic Microsurgery

    Using the latest surgical techniques we help save teeth even if root canal treatment is not possible.

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    • MAY 28, 2020

    You can visit the dentist again, why you shouldn’t worry

    If you are worried about going to the dental practice, be reassured that the professional team will be doing everything it can to keep you safe.

    Dental practitioners have always taken infection control very seriously, with processes in place to ensure that you were protected during every appointment. In every great practice, infection control protocols have always been so efficient, so seamlessly integrated into operations, that you probably won’t have noticed them, although they were always there.

    This is why most patients probably never questioned their safety at the dentist before now. Of course, these are strange times and, after months of lockdown, we’re all looking at anywhere indoors – that isn’t where we live – as somewhere that could make us ill. Six months ago, you would probably have laughed out loud if someone told you that a trip to the supermarket after April could involve a face mask, surgical gloves, a some-in, some-out queuing system, or all of the above.

    Routine dentistry was suspended for a period of time, to reduce the transmission risk of Coronavirus, for the safety of patients. Now practices are reopening, patient safety, as well as their ongoing oral health, remains a priority. Due to the highly infectious nature of Coronavirus, practices will be augmenting and enhancing all their existing control infection processes. Things that you can expect to change include how the waiting area looks – so no more old magazines, or children’s toys. Practices will also likely have to reduce the number of patients they see every day, to allow more time for cleaning between appointments. In addition, you might see different types of, or additional PPE worn by the team if you are undergoing certain treatments.

    Oral health and wellbeing have never been more important. This is why dental teams want to start providing the oral health care you need again. Delaying treatment could mean more pain, more invasive treatment in the future. Your dental appointment will “look” different, but it will also be safer than it ever was.


    For further information please call EndoCare on 020 7199 3464