
Harley Street Branch0207 224 0999

Richmond Branch0208 912 1340

Out of Hours0207 199 3464

  • Artificial sweeteners: saviours or sinners?

      As the war on sugar continues, it’s little surprise that artificial sweeteners are fast becoming a preferred option. After the UK introduced a Sugar Tax in 2018 that penalises drinks with a high sugar content, it’s understandable that manufactures of these drinks as well as those who create sugary confections and other consumables are

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  • Why you shouldn’t ignore swollen gums

      It seems unlikely that someone would ignore a hole in their tooth, so why do so many people shrug off swollen or bleeding gums? There are many reasons why your gums may be swollen, but it’s important to find out what is causing the complaint so that it doesn’t threaten your oral health further.

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  • Measles: the threat is growing

    As I was browsing the news recently, I was devastated to learn that the UK has recently lost its measles elimination status. For the first time ever since records began in 2012, four countries (the UK, Albania, Greece and the Czech Republic) have all seen a huge increase in measles cases, resulting the disease being

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  • Sugar vs sweeteners

      Sugar vs sweeteners Due to the introduction of the Sugar Tax in the UK, we are now seeing more products with artificial sweeteners. But are these a healthier alternative?   Obesity, sugar and additives One of the driving forces behind the introduction of the Sugar Tax is the current obesity crisis taking place in

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