
Harley Street Branch0207 224 0999

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Out of Hours0207 199 3464

  • Michael 1 – Personal Trainer 0

    This Sunday brought with it a surprising turn of events which I thought could simply not go without a mention. In stark contrast to last week’s disappointing training session, this time I embarked on my weekly run with gusto, and felt fitter and faster than ever before. By the time Christos and I reached the

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  • Food for thought

    It’s funny how some days you feel great, full of energy and ready to go. And some days you just don’t. The Sunday morning run was to be a half marathon at a faster pace, because it was a shorter distance(!).  This time, my personal trainer and I decided just to do laps of Regent’s

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  • The Tourist Trail

    Sunday morning, 7th March On Saturday I looked at the weather reports in advance for the following day. Predicted temperatures hovering somewhere between a brisk -6ºC to -2ºC (depending on the wind chill factor) didn’t give me much to look forward to at all. Sunday morning brought with it a slightly more gentle -1ºC and a

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  • Gym Training

    Gym Training

    It would seem that the weather in London is conspiring against me with regards to my training – dreadful weather has forced me into the gym on Sunday to thrash the running machines. Pounding the London pavements during a downpour is just not my idea of fun. My gym at Lords Cricket Ground is perfectly

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  • Body effects

    Body effects

    I am preparing for one of those weeks – work is very busy and I am planning my longest run so far of 18-miles next Sunday. The weather forecast has become one of my most visited web pages. I am determined not to be forced in the gym again and am praying that the rain

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