
Harley Street Branch0207 224 0999

Richmond Branch0208 912 1340

Out of Hours0207 199 3464

  • Second hand smoke – the underrated risk?

    We all know that smoking is bad for us. From the pictures on the front of cigarette packets showing lungs full of tar, to nightmare-inducing images of teeth full of rot and decay – it’s safe to say that the negative impact of smoking is well advertised. But what about the dangers of second hand

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  • The sweet truth about manuka honey

    You may already be aware of manuka honey and its supposed medicinal properties. Indeed, there was a time where manuka honey was hailed as a miracle substance that was capable of curing a number of ills – but was there truth behind the hyperbole? Many of these original claims lacked scientific backing, but now, as

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  • Nanobubbles: another innovation to watch?

    Those familiar with my blog posts will be aware how interesting I find the latest innovations in dentistry. From cutting-edge research to new treatment techniques – the way dentistry is evolving is fascinating, and gives us great insight into what could be possible years down the line. I recently came across an article about nanobubbles

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