
Harley Street Branch0207 224 0999

Richmond Branch0208 912 1340

Out of Hours0207 199 3464

  • Can cutting colour and cartoons make a difference?

    Cleverly thought-out marketing is everywhere. Indeed, visit the local supermarket and you’ll instantly be assaulted by happy characters leering down from cereal boxes and see bright, eye-catching colours adorning packets of sugary snacks. Of course, this is the point. Effective marketing of products is all about knowing how to make them appeal to target audiences,

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  • Are your children up to date with oral health?

    We all know that we should be putting the oral health of our children first. Despite this, it seems that there is still a significant proportion of children who are moving on from primary school without essential life skills like knowing how to properly brush their teeth. In fact, a survey shared by the Oral

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