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    • JUNE 30, 2017
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    ‘Bottled nature’ helps ease dental pain

    Scientists have found that putting patients in a virtual reality (VR) environment whilst being treated can reduce anxiety levels and even reduce their perceptions of pain. Interestingly, however, the results vary depending on what kind of environment the patient is introduced to. If the patient is put into an urban environment, the benefits will not

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    • MAY 28, 2020
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    You can visit the dentist again, why you shouldn’t worry

    If you are worried about going to the dental practice, be reassured that the professional team will be doing everything it can to keep you safe. Dental practitioners have always taken infection control very seriously, with processes in place to ensure that you were protected during every appointment. In every great practice, infection control protocols

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    • SEPTEMBER 8, 2010
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    Yamile’s Blog

    With two small children and a full time job as a dental nurse at EndoCare Harley Street, life can be really busy! During a normal working day I’ll set up the surgery ready for each patient, assist the dentist closely during treatment and then make sure the patient is well afterwards. We treat a lot

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    • APRIL 28, 2015
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    Wrecking their looks for that million dollar smile

    Endodontist London “Symptoms include burning gums, tooth infection and the conviction that, no matter how much a tooth has been whitened, it could be paler still. Perhaps predictably, it has caught on in Britain. Almost a third of Britons are now preoccupied with whitening their teeth, and research this week revealed the highest-earning cosmetic dentists

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